Leveraging quantum technology for gas detection

QLM Co-Founder and CTO, Dr Xiao Ai (Left) and Head of Engineering, Dr Alex Dunning, pictured alongside the QLM TDLidar gas sensor

QLM Co-Founder and CTO, Dr Xiao Ai (Left) and Head of Engineering, Dr Alex Dunning, pictured alongside the QLM TDLidar gas sensor

Carbon dioxide and methane (CO2 and CH4, respectively) are potent greenhouse gases, contributing to global climate change. A report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) demonstrates that while emissions were dramatically reduced at the start of 2020, (due to the COVID-19 pandemic), by year-end, total CO2 emissions totalled 30.6 Gigatonnes and emissions in December 2020 were 2% higher than the same month in 2019. (After steep drop in early 2020, global carbon dioxide emissions have rebounded strongly - News - IEA) While companies across the energy sector and beyond are making efforts to prevent inadvertent emissions, detecting such emissions is difficult. From corroded pipes to ineffective storage vessels, small leaks can quickly escalate leading to catastrophic environmental and economic consequences.

QLM, a spin-out from the University of Bristol, have developed a highly sensitive, low power CH4 detection system that uses single photon LIDAR technology (Tuneable Diode LIDAR) to detect and map fugitive emissions. By working with customers across the energy sector, they hope to offer an accurate, small-form factor, cost-effective method for emission monitoring.

Making the invisible, unmissable

QLM’s goal was to deploy their sensors upon drones and mountable small form-factor devices for trials across the energy sector. However, the technology was still at the prototype stage – data processing was manually offloaded to an external system, and the sensor itself was constructed with non-industry standard components in a piecemeal fashion, thereby limiting scalability.

For QLM to begin user testing and customer field trials, they required:

  • A comprehensive electronics solution, interfacing mechanical, electrical, and optical (laser) components.

  • Rapid design and implementation of a robust and compact housing, ready for field trials.

  • Custom firmware to integrate data processing into the sensor unit itself.

  • An online graphical user interface to facilitate remote access to the sensor units.

STL: innovation with tangible results

STL have extensive expertise in electronics, engineering, embedded software, and innovation. By applying structured development processes, detailed requirements capture, and cutting-edge electronic and systems control expertise, STL were able to rapidly re-design and implement QLM’s Tuneable Diode LIDAR system, accelerating their route to customer trials.

QLM Camera 3.jpg

STL delivered:

  • A fully integrated FPGA based System-on-Chip (SoC) solution providing all communications, control and data processing, on-board.

  • Compact and robust mechanical assembly designs that passed environmental stress tests.

  • Deployment of a web-server based GUI for system monitoring, underpinned with a full NginX, React and Django stack.

“STL has been supporting QLM's development of an innovative gas imager for the last six months and have massively accelerated our path to commercialisation. Their highly experienced instrumentation engineers have taken our laboratory prototype and completely overhauled our electronics, software, mechanics, simulation and testing. We now expect to launch a product for customer evaluations in early 2021.” 

Dr Murray Reed, (CEO, QLM Tech)

STL worked closely with the QLM team to identify options for technology development, before implementing the chosen strategy to dramatically accelerate and improve their fugitive CH4 sensor. By applying our expertise in engineering product development and embedded systems, we rapidly accelerated the QLM team through the pre-trial technology development process. We continue to supplement QLM’s expertise as part of the SPLICE project, a £3M Innovate UK multi-partner project to develop, test, and trial the technology further.

At STL, we work with our clients to evaluate and apply opportunities that provide real business benefits. We aim to augment your skills, de-risking new tasks so you can focus on the core business activities. Drawing from both in-house knowledge as well as an extended network of specialist consultants, STL can avoid the pitfalls associated with bringing high-risk technologies to market and ultimately support our client’s needs.   

For more information on how STL can support the development of your technology, contact Peter Stirling (CEO, pstirling@stl-tech.co.uk).

