
Exploiting the motion of the ocean

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Since the Industrial Revolution, the temperature of the planet has increased by an average of 1 ºC and this rapid increase can largely be attributed to excessive anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.Between 1920 and 2010, 78% of the observed increase in GHG emissions can be directly linked to CO2 that has been liberated during the combustion of fossil fuels (AR5 Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change — IPCC). If GHG emissions and the reliance on fossil fuels remains unchanged, global temperatures will continue to increase, resulting in extreme weather events, habitat and ecosystem collapse, food and water shortages, and increased human conflict and disease. Consequently, many nations (including the UK) have established the goal of becoming “net-zero” (GHG emissions equalling GHG removed from the atmosphere), by 2050. An important facet of all net-zero strategies is the development of renewable technologies to replace fossil fuels.

Bombora, based in Pembrokeshire, Wales, have developed the mWave technology. An alternative to fossil fuels, mWave is a patented membrane-style wave energy converter that generates electricity from the ocean.  An mWave machine consists of multiple Cell Modules, each containing a membrane.  The Cell Modules operate below the ocean surface and cane be attached to a fixed or floating platform. Waves passing overhead cause the membrane on the Cell Module to deflate and inflate.  As a result, air is pumped around a closed circuit driving a turbine and generator.  The mWave aims to disrupt the energy markets by providing a renewable solution that is scaleable, modular, robust, and able to integrate into both national and island power grids.

Monitoring systems to achieve a net-zero world

To fully demonstrate the benefits of the mWave technology, Bombora needed to understand the complex interactions linking waves with the mWave membrane module. In addition, to effectively trial the system in unpredictable ocean conditions, Bombora required a robust telemetry system that could report information from the mWave cell, mWave platforms, and associated machinery to monitor and aid system deployment.

In summary, Bombora required:

  • A monitoring and control system for the mWave test cell to inform technology development, provide access to important system parameters, all while withstanding the harsh ocean environments.

  • A high-resolution telemetry system to aid the deployment of the mWave cell to its various underwater platforms.

STL: innovation with tangible results

STL have over 200 years of combined expertise encompassing electronics, engineering, embedded software, and innovation. By applying structured development processes, detailed requirements capture, and cutting-edge electronic and systems control expertise, STL were able to deliver a bespoke control and telemetry system to Bombora, enabling them to confidently begin large scale field trials.

STL provided:

  • A master control system for the mWave test cell with easy access to user-changeable parameters, and the ability to monitor an array of sensors.

  • A video monitoring system comprising 4 high performance cameras and a GPS logger to continuously collect and report data useful during mWave cell and platform deployment.

  • Both systems delivered within a ruggedised IP69 certified form-factor.

  • A simple to learn user interface providing easy access to telemetry data, with a high level of granularity.

STL worked alongside the team at Bombora to develop tailored control and telemetry systems, to enable them to commence large scale field trials of the mWave system. After completing a metocean and hydrographic survey in 2019, Bombora are now aiming to deploy a 3 MegaWatt mWave unit off of the northern coastline of Lanzarote.

At STL, we work with our clients to evaluate and apply opportunities that provide real business benefits. We aim to augment your skills, de-risking new tasks so you can focus on the core business activities. Drawing from both in-house knowledge as well as an extended network of specialist consultants, STL can avoid the pitfalls associated with bringing high-risk technologies to market and support the needs of our clients.   

For more information regarding how STL can support the development of your technology, contact Peter Stirling (CEO,



