Technical Due Diligence

STL provides more than technical consulting. We are able to draw on our expertise in engineering and technology commercialisation to provide robust technology, engineering, and product due diligence services that drive certainty.

By applying a similarly structured approach, we are able to provide valuable insight into product quality, processes, organisational capabilities and the risks associated with acquiring or integrating new products or technology backed businesses.

Technical Due Diligence provides valuable insight into the status of a technology and is useful regardless of your technical expertise. STL are able to validate your technical understanding and also translate “tech-speak” to clarify your commercial decision making.

Our clients are typically:

  • Focused on acquisitions and investment negotiation

  • Acquiring a business where the valuation is driven by the status of technology assets

  • Seeking to integrate a new product

  • Explore the scalability of a technology or technical approach

Our Focus

Our approach is structured, efficient and well-proven. We provide a single point of contact during the due diligence process and deliver our reccomendations with conviction and rapidity.


Technology Quality

We critically asses the quality of hardware and software, identify technical debt, and unearth the true value of technology assets.

Product Scalablity

We analyse how a technology has been developed and its potential to scale and continue delivering into the future.

Processes and Practices

By understanding the processes that have contributed to technology development, we are able to gain further insight into its quality and potential for growth.

Team Capabilities

The quality of a technology asset and the confidence which can be placed on its successful development is intrinsically linked to the capabilities of those creating it. During the due diligence process, we can examine an organisation’s technical capabilities and the capacity to realise a technical strategy.


Securing data is an important consideration during technology development. Our structured approach to analysis aims to provide you with confidence that the relevant standards are in place. If they are not, we will provide recommendations to mitigate in the future.

Technical Strategy & Risks

Technology backed products always require iteration and optimisation. We can independently assess a technical or product development strategy, provide an opinion on its feasibility, and act as an early warning signal to issues that may put the strategy at risk.


If our technical due diligence service is of interest, please get in touch using the button below.